In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, our company profile can be viewed below.
Company Name:
Registered Office:
Plaza Francesc Macià, 7, planta 4, módulo C, 08029 Barcelona (España)
Address for contact purposes:
Plaza Francesc Macià, 7, planta 4, módulo C, 08029 Barcelona (España)
Registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona in Volume 46143, Folio 216, Page B 510875, 1st Entry, Tax ID No: ESB - 67 - 096768
TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. hereby states and guarantees that the Website has the necessary technology (software and hardware), to date, to allow for its access and use. However, TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other malware, introduced by any means or by third parties, that may damage the User's computer system.
The User accepts that the Website has been created and developed in good faith by TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. using information from internal and external sources, which is provided \"as is\" to Users and may contain inaccuracies or errors. Therefore, TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. is exempt from any liability regarding the accuracy, usefulness or false expectations the User may encounter while browsing the Website.
The User undertakes to ensure that any activities carried out by them through the Website and its services will be in accordance with the law, morals, good customs and public order and under no circumstances will be detrimental to the good name and corporate image of TransOcean Translation Group, S.L., to the rest of the Users of the Website, or to third parties.
In particular, the User agrees, including but not limited to, not to use this Website to (a) impersonate a third party; (b) encourage or promote actions that are criminal, demeaning, defamatory, offensive or, in general, illegal or contrary to morals or public order; (c) provoke or promote discriminatory actions or ideas based on race, sex, ideology, religion or beliefs; (d) introduce, make available or allow access to products, elements, messages and/or services that are criminal, violent, pornographic, offensive or, in general, illegal or contrary to morals or public order; (e) violate the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties; (f) infringe regulations on privacy of communications, advertising and/or unfair competition.
Messages sent to or posted on the Website may not use incorrect, demeaning, defamatory or insulting expressions. The authors will be solely responsible for the content of their messages in communication spaces such as forums, blogs, posts or comments. TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. is not responsible for the content or the opinions expressed or posted by Users on them. TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. reserves the right to delete, without prior warning, any content posted on this Website that is unlawful or breaches the terms and conditions of use set forth herein. In any case, liability will rest with the person contravening the law.
TransOcean Translation Group, S.L., in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, informs that the personal data collected through the forms on the Website are included in the specific automated files of Users of the services of TransOcean Translation Group, S.L.
The purpose of the automated collection and processing of personal data is to maintain the business relationship and perform tasks such as informing, training and giving advice, and other activities related to TransOcean Translation Group, S.L.
TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
El usuario puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición y cancelación mediante comunicación escrita, adjuntando fotocopia de su DNI, dirigida a la administración de TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. (responsable del fichero), ubicado en Plaza Francesc Macià, 7, planta 4, módulo C, 08029 Barcelona - España, o bien mediante correo electrónico dirigido a la siguiente dirección:
Likewise, the User may withdraw, without prior warning, consent given for the processing and communication of their data using either of the two means listed.
Users or owners of other websites that intend to create a hypertext link (hereinafter, link) to this Website must undertake to respect the following requirements: (i) not to make false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements placed next to the link that may be misleading or illegal or contrary to morals or good customs; (ii) not to include any trademarks or signs eligible for protection other than the URL address of the Website; (iii) not to establish links with websites that contain content, manifestations or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, that incite terrorism or contravene human rights and, in general, may harm in any way the good name or corporate image of TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. or of its clients.
In any case, the inclusion on the Website of links by other websites does not imply that TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. promotes, endorses, guarantees or recommends said websites.
Likewise, this Website may contain links to other websites not managed by TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. does not exercise any control over said websites, nor is it responsible for their content. The links included on the Website are offered solely for information purposes.
This Website contains different material that is property of TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. and consequently protected by national or international intellectual and industrial property regulations. The compilation (understood as such the collection, design, arrangement and assembly) of all the content of the Website is the exclusive property of TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. and it is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property regulations.
The trademarks, labels, distinctive signs or logos of TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. on the Website are owned by TransOcean Translation Group, S.L. and are duly registered or in the process of registration. The names of other products, services and companies that appear in this document or on the Website may be registered trademarks of their respective and legitimate owners.